Regeneration Church partnered with Christian Layman Church to hold an Eye Screening in East Oakland on July 22-24. Several of our students attended, as well as Dr. Robert Dister and Dr. Michelle Hoff who served as attending doctors.
This is an annual free eye screening for the homeless, widows, seniors, fatherless, and poor. They have targeted West and East Oakland, and Richmond. Every year, they partner with VSP and UCBSO for 3-4 days and serve between 200-400 people of all ages, providing free eyeglasses as needed.
Optometry students and instructors are critical to their success, and the students gain a lot of experience performing 20 refractions per day and being exposed to many eye diseases they seldom see on campus. All diseases are referred to Oakland Free Clinics and Hospitals.
Through these annual screenings, many lives are changed and we are excited for the next screening next year!