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Superbowl Ad Features Low Vision Tools

Superbowl ad screenshot.
Photo Credit: Google.

In an advertisement for the new Google Pixel 8 phone.

During last weekend’s Superbowl, there was a commercial by Google which highlighted how the “guided Frame on Pixel 8 uses Google AI to make it easier for people with blindness or low vision to capture photos and share daily life.” The commercial was directed by Adam Morse, who is a person with low vision (LV).

Being recognized on such a big stage was a notable moment for the LV community. Comments on the Google’s YouTube channel included sentiments such as, “I’ve been visually impaired since birth. This, our community’s existence being acknowledged in something as big as a Super Bowl commercial, was such a wonderful surprise.” Dr. Marlena A. Chu, Chief of the Low Vision Clinic said, “My Love Vision (LV) friends and I all blew up our phones after it aired…We saw this ad and felt like our patients were being seen.” Dr. Chu also mentioned there are already a few apps out there that the LV clinic recommends to patients (Seeing AI, for example).

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