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Kathryn Dumbleton, PhD, MCOptom, FAAO

Kathy Dumbleton.

Clinical Professor

School of Optometry & Vision Science



Clinical Professor


Vision Science 206C. Anatomy and Physiology of the Eye and Visual System: Problem-based learning approach using clinical case examples.

Research Interests

  • Contact lenses
  • Ocular surface
  • Dry eye
  • Compliance (adherence) with health care treatments


Kathy is a Health Sciences Clinical Professor at the Herbert Wertheim School of Optometry & Vision Science and Director of Professional Engagement at Berkeley Vision CURE (Children’s Uncorrected Refractive Error). Kathy originally trained as an optometrist in the United Kingdom and completed her MSc in Physiological Optics and PhD in Vision Science at the University of Waterloo in Ontario, Canada. She has held academic appointments at the University of Waterloo and the University of Manchester. While at the University of Waterloo Kathy was Head of Clinical Research at the Centre for Contact Lens Research. Kathy has authored 150 peer-reviewed publications and abstracts, seven book chapters and a large number of professional manuscripts and has given more than 200 invited lectures and continuing education presentations around the world. She is a Vice President of the International Society for Contact Lens Research (ISCLR) and a Past President of the American Academy of Optometric Foundation. In addition to her commitments at UC Berkeley, Kathy is a self-employed clinical research scientist and consultant.

Professional Fellowships and Affiliations

  • Fellow of the American Academy of Optometry (FAAO)
  • Diplomate of the Section on Cornea, Contact Lens and Refractive Technologies (CCLRT, AAO)
  • Fellow of the British Contact Lens Association (FBCLA)
  • Vice-President of the International Society for Contact Lens Research (ISCLR)

Selected Recent Publications

CLEAR Evidence-based contact lens practice. Wolffsohn J, Dumbleton K, Huntjens B, Kandel H, Koh S, Kunnen C, Nagra M, Pult H, Sulley A, Vianya-Estopa M, Walsh K, Wong S, Stapleton F. Contact Lens Ant Eye 2021; 44(2) 368-397.

Silicone hydrogel daily disposable benefits: The evidence. Sulley A, Dumbleton K. Contact Lens Ant Eye 2020; 43(3) 298-307.

Quantification of Contact Lens Wettability after Prolonged Visual Device Use under Low Humidity Conditions. Guillon M, Dumbleton K, Patel T, Patel K, Gupta R, Maissa C (2019). Contact Lens Ant Eye 2019; 42(4) 386–391. Published Erratum Contact Lens Anterior Eye 2020 Feb;43(1):91. doi: 10.1016/j.clae.2019.12.004. Epub 2019 Dec 10.

Pre-contact lens and pre-corneal tear film kinetics. Guillon M, Dumbleton K, Theodoratos P, Patel K, Gupta R, Patel T. Contact Lens Ant Eye 2019; 42(3) 246–252. Published Erratum Contact Lens Anterior Eye 2019 Dec;42(6):685. doi; 10.1016/j.clae.2019.08.010. Epub 2019 Aug 31.

Eye Care Professionals’ Perceptions of the Benefits of Daily Disposable Silicone Hydrogel Contact Lenses. Orsborn G, Dumbleton K. Contact Lens Ant Eye 2019; 42(4) 373 – 379.

The case for using hydrogen peroxide contact lens care solutions: a review. Nichols JJ, Chalmers RL, Dumbleton K, Jones L, Lievens CW, Merchea M, Szczotka-Flynn L. Eye Contact Lens 2019; 45(2): 69-82.

Objective assessment of ocular surface response to contact lens wear in presbyopic contact lens wearers of Asian descent. Guillon M, Dumbleton K, Theodoratos P, Patel T, Karkkainen T, Moody K. Eye Contact Lens 2018; 44(3) 182-189.

TFOS DEWS II Diagnostic Methodology Report. Wolffsohn JS, Arita R, Chalmers R, Djalilian A, Dogru M, Dumbleton K, Gupta P, Karpecki P, Lazreg S, Pult H, Sullivan B, Tomlinson A, Tong L, Villani E, Yoon KC, Jones L, Craig J. The Ocular Surface 2017:15:539-574.

Diurnal variation in comfort in contact lens and non-contact lens wearers. Dumbleton K, Guillon M, Theodoratos P, Patel T. Optom & Vis Sci 2016: 93(8) 820-827.

The effects of age, refractive status and luminance on pupil size. Guillon M, Dumbleton K, Theodoratos P, Gobbe M, Wooley B, Moody K. Optom Vis Sci 2016: 93(9):1093-1100.

Association Between Contact Lens Discomfort and Pre-lens Tear Film Kinetics. Guillon M, Dumbleton K, Theodoratos P, Wong S, Patel K, Banks G, Patel T. Optom Vis Sci 2016: 93(8) 881-891.