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Oaxaca Lions In Sight Volunteer Trip

Joanna Lopez and Baldemar Torres.
Great work, Joanna and Baldemar!

Last month, optometry students Joanna Lopez and Baldemar Torres joined Lions In Sight at their volunteer vision screening clinic in Oaxaca, Mexico. Joanna and Baldemar are also recipients of the Lions In Sight John Demshar scholarship.

Their team comprised five doctors, two opticians, and eight additional volunteers. The local Oaxaca Lions Club also contributed volunteers, while technical assistance came from Ceredil, a related organization based in Chihuahua, Mexico.

Over the course of the two-day clinic, the team screened 1050 patients, many of whom had significant vision impairments. The team distributed eyeglasses and patients with specific prescription needs were given the opportunity to receive eyeglasses from Ceredil. Well done, Joanna and Baldemar!

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