Photo: Benjamin Szu, Gold Retinoscope Winner
Each year we present awards to our most outstanding graduates. We also recognize students that graduate with honors in research. Here are this year’s awardees.
Fourth Year Awards
Jup K. Grewal
Optelec Excellence in Low Vision Award
Tiffany Nguyen La
Valley Contax Award
Kristi Michele Lew
Johnson & Johnson Award of Excellence in
Contact Lens Patient Care
(American Optometric Foundation)
Rebekah Pei Jai Lin
Eschenbach Low Vision Award
(Eschenbach Optik)
Ciara Ashling McCaffrey
Beta Sigma Kappa Silver Medal
Ciara Ashling McCaffrey
Drs. Robert L. Gordon & Andrea C. Silvers Award
Steven T. Perry
Bernhardt N. Thal, OD VSP Scholarship
Angel Barajas Rivera
Bernell Binocular Vision Award
Benjamin J. Szu
Gold Retinoscope Award
Benjamin J. Szu
The Robert B. Greer
Excellence in Low Vision Award
Kenneth D. Tran
HOYA Leadership Award
Ece Turhal
Walmart Project Foresight
Ece Turhal
Alcon Case Study Award
Ece Turhal
COVD Binocular Vision Award
Ece Turhal
Marvin R. Poston, OD VSP
Excellence in Primary Care Scholarship Award
Lily Wang
The William Feinbloom Low Vision Award
Sarah Anne Whiteside
GP Contact Lens Clinical Excellence Award
Graduation with Honors in Research
Molly Duong
Virtual reality game play as treatment for stereo anomalous adults
Mentor: Dennis Levi, OD, PhD
Elysia Ison
Off-axis refractive changes associated with normal and induced ocular growth in chick model
Mentors: Sowmya Ravikumar, PhD and Christine Wildsoet, OD, PhD
Kenneth D. Tran
Improving adult amblyopic vision with stereoscopic 3D video games
Mentors: Roger Li, OD, PhD, and Dennis Levi, OD, PhD