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Week 1
- Modified morning schedule – 0.5-1.5 hours introductory seminar. Time to express expectations and goals. Know your students, let them know you.
- Review topics:
- Expectations of your Module
- Case Interpretations
- Seminar Case History
- Administrative details: how to notify your staff about broken equipment, where patient schedules are kept, where to put patient encounter forms when you already have a patient.
- Clinic Philosophies
- The No Show Patient
- Daily Cases
- The 5-Minute Health Burn Out
- Check In, Not Out
- Module assistant/Junior TA (if applicable)
- Get Through the Exam – Whatever It Takes!
Week 2
- Review topics:
- Demos (if applicable)
- Input in terms of the appearance of examination room (orerliness, first impressions and ease of accessibility to equipment
- Give tips regarding efficiency
- Seminar Topic: Examination of the child, teen, geriatric (the non-22 year old Cal student)
- No Previous Neutralization until refraction completed
- No Previous Charts until refraction completed
- After Clinic Patient Cases
Week 3
- Seminar Topic: Common reasons for not seeing 20/20
- No Previous Neutralization until refraction completed
- No Previous Charts until refraction completed
- After Clinic Patient Cases
Week 4
- Seminar Topic: Contact lenses in primary care
- No Previous Neutralization until refraction completed
- No Previous Records until refraction completed
- No data entry until dilation
- Technique for the Day: Alternate Tonometry Techniques
- After Clinic Patient Cases
Week 5
- Seminar Topic: Binocular vision in primary care
- Instructor Observation of Tonometry & Angles
- Records are Returned
- Student has Neutralization Available
- No data entry until dilation
- After Clinic Patient Cases
- Mid-Summer instructor evaluations by clinicians
Week 6
- Student Designed Exam:
- Return of Charts
- Neutralization
- Retinoscopy
- Seminar: Common antibiotics and glaucoma medications
- After Clinic Patient Cases
- Mid-Summer clinician evaluations by instructors
Week 7
- Student Designed Exam
- Seminar:Posterior segment disease and common findings
- After Clinic Patient Cases
Week 8
- Seminar: Common systemic diseases (HTN, Diabetes, depression, etc.)
- Common systemic medications
- After Clinic Patient Cases
Week 9
- Seminar: Anterior segment disease
- After Clinic Patient Cases
- Instructor evaluations by clinicians
Week 10
- Seminar: Open
- After Clinic Patient Cases
- Clinician evaluations by instructors
Week 11
- Seminar: Open
- End of Summer Review
Week 12
- Third Year Clinicians released for Summer Break
- Interim Clinic for Third Years and available Fourth years to sign up for credit days