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Patient confidence in our ability to deliver excellent care to them is influenced to a high degree by the image our personnel and facilities present to them. We strive very hard to present a highly professional and competent image to our patients in our demeanor and in the appearance of our care providers and facilities. Remember you are a working professional representing the University, so please present yourself as one. Please exercise good judgment with your appearance and your demeanor so as to set a good example for our students. As you know, when someone doesn’t follow clinic policy, it seems unfair and makes it uncomfortable for yourself and everyone else around. It can also be an awkward or embarrassing situation for both parties to bring up a breach in clinic policy. So please do your best to follow clinic policies and be a role for the students in order to facilitate a pleasant and comfortable workplace.

The following applies to everyone in clinic every day the clinic is open including weekends. Also, note the sections further below which apply to your role in clinic:

  • University Eye Center ID badges must be worn and be visible to all by Clinical Faculty, residents, student clinicians, and staff members at all times. This is UC Policy, post 9/11 for security purposes.
  • Clinical Faculty and residents are expected to wear a long, white clinic jacket.
  • Male doctors and residents are expected to wear dress shirts and ties.
  • Wearing flip-flops, sandals, open-toed shoes, and tennis shoes are NOT permitted. For health standards and safety, all providers are expected to wear closed-toed shoes with a back. Hosiery is preferred.
  • Wearing caps, jeans, shorts, short skirts (skirts should be to the knee), revealing shirts (low-cut, midriff-baring, or skimpy), capri pants, leggings, t-shirts with logos and/or text are NOT permitted.
  • The highest standards of personal hygiene should be followed. There is no excuse for a health care practitioner or staff member who works closely with patients to have dirty hands, long and unkempt fingernails, halitosis (bad breath), body odor, soiled clothes, a soiled clinic footwear, careless hair grooming, too much perfume or cologne, or similar traits.
  • Gum chewing is not permitted