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Original Date: December 19, 2014
Updated: September 10, 2024

Dear Clinical Faculty, Students, Residents, Opticians, and Staff,

As patient care providers at UC we have some special responsibilities that stem from UC’s Health Care Vendor Relations policy that was adopted by UC Systemwide and sent to the Berkeley Campus in late AY 2007-08. At the request of the Berkeley Campus, we are making you each individually aware of this policy that applies to all of us. We need to document the fact that you have been informed of this policy, because the UC Systemwide administration has required the campuses to audit compliance. You must affirm that you have read and understand the contents and agree to comply with the guidlines set forth.

Health Sciences Faculty may do this by signing the “Acknowledgement of Health Care Vendor Relations Policy” form during your initial onboarding and returning it to the Clinic Administration Office at 230 Minor Hall. Students will attest and upload the docuemts via a bCourses assignment initiated by Student Affairs. Clinic staff will attest and return the document to their direct supervisor.

The rationale for this policy is explained by the campus as follows:

Health Care Vendor Relations

Research shows that certain health care vendor activities allowed under the Political Reform Act, such as the provision of gifts of nominal value, may affect provider behavior and give the appearance of favoritism. This policy supplements the provisions of the Political Reform Act and University Business and Finance Bulletin G-39 (the Conflict of Interest Policy), adding restrictions to health care vendor relationships in those circumstances where the potential drawbacks of the relationship outweigh the anticipated benefit.

A summary of the policy, “Health Care Vendor Relations Policy – Policy Guidelines,” and other related documents have been prepared by the Berkeley Campus Audit and Advisory Services and are posted on our intranet, Pupil, and on our Clinic Manual. Please review this document and other accompanying documents. Please pay special attention to the items that appear in boxes on pages 2 and 3 (especially “Gifts and Compensation” and “Interaction with Vendors”).

Please note that some references in the summary appear in underscored blue text. These are hyper-links that will take you to PDF files of these references via the web that will allow you to download and read them. Just click the link to reach the document.

You are required to review the “Health Care Vendor Relations Policy” and the “Frequently Asked Question” and read them since those are the new policy. You are encouraged to follow the other links (such as for Frequently Asked Questions) in order to obtain more detailed information.

Please confirm to us that you have read and understand this policy by submitting the “Acknowledgement of Health Care Vendor Relations Policy” form to Clinic Administration, UC Berkeley School of Optometry, 230 Minor Hall, Berkeley, CA 94720. Alternately, you may fax the form to (510) 642-2893. Thanks very much for your cooperation.

Chris S Wilmer, OD, FAAO
Clinic Director
Associate Dean for Clinical Affairs