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School of Optometry faculty should be exemplars of the results of receiving the best vision care. As a result, faculty, staff and students at UCBSO enjoy special discount privileges, which are secondary to any applicable vision care benefits, such as VSP coverage. These fees help offset the cost of staff, patient parking, patient records, examination room supplies, and equipment maintenance.

“Family member” includes


Comprehensive examinations

Examinations of family members performed by the clinical student in the family will be assessed a $5.00 administration fee per examination when scheduled on a student’s day off. If a family member is scheduled into a student’s schedule, the Opto family discount will apply.
Primary Care examinations of Optometry faculty, staff and students and their family members, by clinicians who are not in their family, will be charged at the Opto family rate, currently $111.00 less 20%.
Examination fees for service in specialty clinics will be discounted at 35% for faculty and staff , 50% for students and 20% for family members.
Optometry students obtaining services in a specialty clinic as part of their coursework shall not incur a fee but shall visit the clinic only on a standby basis, without displacing an appointed patient.


Contact lenses shall be discounted 35% off the retail price for faculty, staff and students and 20% for family members unless the resulting price is below cost.
Eyewear materials will also be discounted 35% off the retail price for faculty, staff and students and 20% off for family members.

General Information

An administrative team member must approve any discount by signing and dating the fee sheet that the charges appear on.
Charges will be entered into the patient’s ledger at full price, minus discount.
Full payment for orders must be received before orders are processed. COD orders are not allowed. Prices and discounts are subject to change without notice.