Faculty Attendance
Instructors should be on time and arrive in advance of scheduled patients. Clinics should not begin rendering service/care until an Instructor is present. Instructors are required to cover the entire semester or academic year as appointed. Full-time, year-round clinical faculty earn leave by virtue of their appointment. Part-time clinical faculty do not.
Furthermore, if you are taking 2 to 3 weeks off during an 8 or 9 week session (during Summer or semesters), it may be more practical and beneficial to the students for you to take the entire session or semester off. Students who work with many substitutes will be shortchanged on the educational experience and not receive the continuity of supervision and evaluation they deserve. Ideally, their education should be with the same faculty mentors throughout the assignment to ensure continuity of educational experience.
From time to time, faculty appropriately take planned leave. For pre-planned, non-emergency absences (vacation, seminar, conference, etc.):
- Instructors must provide a substitute who is a currently appointed member of the Clinical Faculty (CAC-approved) and credentialed for patient care. If you need suggestions on substitutes, please feel free to ask. You may send an e-mail to the Clinical Faculty at docsinclinic@lists.berkeley.edu and specify the dates and for which clinic you are looking for a substitute. Note, the Clinic Administration is not responsible for finding substitutes unless under an unpredictable situation.
- Regardless, the absence of any clinical faculty member must be accounted for by accurate leave accounting or by payment of a substitute. There are three ways to compensate for a planned absence:
- Teach a make-up day during interim or “switch days” with a clinical faculty colleague;
- Charge accumulated leave;
- Find a substitute whom the Clinic will pay directly, while deducting a day from your compensation.
- Faculty receiving notices for jury duty should find substitutes in the event they will be called in for service. Please do not wait until the days before to inform the Clinic Administration Office. Three weeks or ample notice is greatly appreciated. For absences due to a sudden, unpredictable situation (injury, personal illness, family emergencies or bereavement), Clinic Administration will attempt to provide coverage. The instructor is then required to make up missed time or use accumulated leave.
- Please note that when teaching during an interim, the students may not be your regular students.
- Clinical Faculty and Residents may be scheduled as needed for Direct Patient Care (DPC).
The holiday and interim dates are noted below. Faculty hired on a 9-month basis are expected to be present during the winter and spring interims. Faculty hired on a 11-month basis are entitled to vacation and make take interim days off. The Clinic will not open on holidays, but will be open during interims. If a One-Day interim happens to fall on your teaching day, you have the option of teaching on that day which may decrease your teaching commitment in the Winter Interim. Teaching obligations during the Winter interim will be determined as the dates approach and will be posted. The following are Holidays and Interims:
- Holidays (No Clinic)
- New Year’s Day
- Martin Luther King, Jr.
- Memorial Day
- Independence Day (July 4th)
- Labor Day
- Thanksgiving Day
- Thanksgiving Friday (the Friday after Thanksgiving)
- Christmas Day
- Interims
- New Year’s Eve
- President’s Day
- Spring Interim
- Summer Interim
- Veteran’s Day
- Christmas Eve
- Winter Interim (the weeks between Fall II and Spring I Sessions)
The clinic uses an online Meditrek absence system to keep track of faculty absences and credit days. It will allow you to request an absence, identify your substitute, sign up to be a substitute, and view your absence/credit/debit summary.
In addition to using Medtirek to report absences and substitutions, please continue to send email to the faculty looking for substitutes and make every effort to secure one. You may email clinicalfaculty@lists.berkeley.edu. If you are having difficulty or if your absent date is coming up with no substitute, please be sure to notify Clinic Administration.
Upon login to Meditrek, please click on “Access Non-scheduled forms” as below:
To submit an absence request, click on the link “Faculty Absence Request.”
Select the appropriate period for the absence from the drop-down menu and then click “select”:
Next select the appropriate clinic (some clinics have designated days of the week). You will be taken to this screen:
- Use the drop-down menus to select the correct date of absence.
- If you are taking vacation, click on “Vacation.”
- If you are/were sick, click on “Sick.”
- If you are using educational leave (for full-time 100% faculty only), click on “Educational.”
- Please indicate if your leave is full day or half-day a.m. or half-day p.m.
- Pease select a substitute name if you have one.
- Please provide an explanation of the absence if you have one.
- Enter your password to authenticate and submit this request.
- If you have multiple dates of absences, you will need to enter each separately.
Once you have submitted your request, you will receive an email confirmation and will be able to see your Faculty Absence Summary report (like the one below). Clinic Admin and your substitute (if one was designated) will also receive notification:
If you have made this absence request in error, you can cancel it by clicking the “Cancel Request” square and click on “Submit” and the page will be updated showing cancellation of your absence:
To view your absence/debit/credit summary, from the “Non-Scheduled Forms” page, click on the icon button to the right of “Faculty Absence Request” link:
You will then see a summary report which looks like this (the same page you see after you submit your request):
To view substituting opportunities, from the “Non-Scheduled Forms” page, click on the link “Faculty Substitution Sign-Up List” as below:
You will see this screen:
If you are an 9-month (part-time) faculty, you will see a page as below and can earn credit or receive payment when you sign up to substitute. If you request payment, Clinic Admin will review and approve the payment request and then process for payment. As a 9-month employee, please try to have a debit balance of zero by the end of the academic year which will end in May of every year on graduation day. This will help in reconciling payment adjustments in the summer.
If you are an 11-month (full-time) faculty, you will see the below page and will only earn credit when you sign up to substitute. There is no payment option as you cannot be paid for extra days worked over and above your 100% appointment. Please minimize the number of credit days you earn. For official time reporting, please continue to use CalTime to report vacation hours taken. Also note that CalTime will not let you enter positive time in the system.
Click on the absence you want to substitute for such as this:
You will see the confirmation below and you will receive an email confirming that you will be substituting. To cancel your commitment to substitute, click on “Cancel” under “Credit Processed” or “Payment Processed” and you will be asked to provide a reason for the cancellation. Click on submit to cancel the commitment to substitute.
Again, to check your absences and your substitute, any substitute dates you have committed to, or credit/payment specification, please view your absence/debit/credit summary. If you see any discrepancies at any time, please let Vikki Yu know. From the “Non-Scheduled Forms” page, click on the icon button to the right of “Faculty Absence Request” link.
Again, please continue to send email to the faculty looking for substitutes and make every effort to secure one. You may email clinicalfaculty@lists.berkeley.edu. If you are having difficulty or if your absent date is coming up with no substitute, please be sure to notify Clinic Administration.
Thank you for transitioning to the Meditrek system for your faculty absence and substitution needs.
For instructors at general, Tang and community clinics, please contact faculty individually or email the clinicalfaculty@lists.berkeley.edu list to find a substitute. To ensure that Clinic Administration and the Front Desk are alerted, all absence requests and substitution arrangements should be emailed to all of the following individuals. Paper forms are no longer necessary.
- Rob Herrick at rherrick@berkeley.edu
- Linh Le at linhle@berkeley.edu
- Vikki Yu at vyu@berkeley.edu
For EWC faculty, to ensure that Clinic Administration, the EWC, and the Front Desk are alerted, all EWC absence requests and substitution arrangements should be emailed to all of the following individuals. Please also contact EWC faculty for substitution arrangements.
- Rob Herrick at rherrick@berkeley.edu
- Linh Le at linhle@berkeley.edu
- Vicki Rich at vickirich@berkeley.edu
- George Russell at g_russell@berkeley.edu
- Vikki Yu at vyu@berkeley.edu
Additionally, after you have substituted or worked extra days, please be sure to complete, sign, and submit the Clinical Faculty Substitution Record to Vikki Yu or Erika Racklin so that the day earned can be properly recorded. Clinic Sub Forms received by the 26th of month will generally be paid on the check writing of the 6th working day of the following month. If a form is not submitted, you will not be paid or given credit for the day of substituting.
All faculty should report absences and substitutions to the Clinic Administration Office regardless of how they are appointed. An accounting of absences and credit days for 9-month employees is kept in the Clinic Administration Office. Eleven-month employees should be reporting their time through CalTime.
Please see Renee Williams of the Business Office (Room 360) to complete paperwork required for hiring. If you have payroll or human resources related questions, she can assist you.
The UC payroll system is complicated. Paychecks are distributed once a month, typically on the first of a month, unless the payday falls on the weekend or on a holiday. Most clinical faculty are paid on the 9-month salary scale, meaning payment for Fall and Spring semester teaching (9 months) is paid in 12 monthly payments. For example, the beginning point on the 9-month academic salary scale is Clinical Instructor, currently $41,500 fulltime annual salary. If a clinical faculty member is classified as a Clinical Instructor and teaches one day per week during the Fall and Spring semesters, the appointment is 20% of $41,500 ($8,300) which is paid in 12 monthly payments of $691.67 each. The first payment is paid on August 1. The final payment is paid July 1. Summer teaching receives additional compensation beyond Fall and Spring semester and is calculated on a per diem (teaching day) basis extrapolated from the 9-month salary scale. In our example, a Clinical Instructor would receive an additional $243 per day of Summer teaching. If a Clinical Instructor worked 100% for Fall and Spring semesters, and taught 100% during Summer, the total compensation for the year would be $55,332.
Academic salaries are usually adjusted each year for the cost-of-living, typically effective on October 1. This is good news since it means more money. In addition, clinical faculty are reviewed for merit or promotion (i.e. advancement) on a scheduled basis. This may occur at one, two, or three years, depending on where you are on the salary scale. More junior appointments are eligible for advancement more rapidly.
UC has an excellent employee benefits package, including a defined-benefit retirement system (very rare today) coordinated with Social Security, medical, dental, and vision plan for employees and dependents, group plans for employee paid insurance, legal, and other services, and vacation. Eligibility for the highest level of employee benefits is established by an appointment of halftime (50%) or greater for at least one year or full-time (100%) for at least three months.
All employees are strongly urged to request payment by electronic funds transfer (EFT) directly to their bank or other financial institution, rather than by physical paycheck, which comes via campus mail on paydays to the School. Physical paychecks are picked up from room 360 after 11 a.m. on payday.
Payment by electronic funds transfer is confirmed by a monthly earnings statement you obtain via the internet. To retrieve your monthly earnings statement you must logon to:
- Click the blue “Login to Blu” button at the upper left of the page and use your CalNet ID to logon.
- At the top line (under the Blu banner) pick “people” (not “buying’ or “finance”)
- Click “Earnings Statements Online” in the “Self Service” box at the upper left of the next page.
- Agree to the privacy/security terms and (finally) get to the earnings statement page. Click the “view earnings statement” button on that page.
- Use your browser’s print function to obtain a record of the page if you wish. (The format varies from browser to browser, so run a test copy. You may need to set-up your printing to “landscape” to capture all detail).
Need a Cal-Net ID? Ross Urrere is the security deputies that can help Clinical faculty and staff (particularly if you are based primarily away from the campus) obtain Cal Net IDs.