Tang Center
The Tang Eye Center is a primary care/contact lens clinic in addition to an urgent care clinic receiving referrals from medical providers within the health center, sports medicine trainers as well as self referred patients. Although the clinic resides within the student health center facility the eye clinic is open to all patients regardless of campus affiliation or student status.
Trainees rotating through this clinic include third and fourth year students, as well as residents. Students experience a large number of patients in the following categories:
- Comprehensive eye exams.
- Contact lens fitting and evaluations.
- Urgent care referrals from primary care MDs, physician assistant, nurse practitioners and athletic trainers within the NCAA athletic department. These include a large variety of anterior and posterior segment disease.
Trainees are scheduled comprehensive exams, follow up exams and urgent care walk in patients as needed. Fourth year students typically see a larger number of patients due to the higher efficiency and expertise.
The Primary Care Resident is assigned to the Tang Eye Center for a minimum of 40% of the clinic schedule. They are responsible for patient care, urgent care consultations and clinical teaching.
Faculty Responsibility
- Assist trainees in developing a diagnostic assessment and management plan for each individual patient.
- Provide guidance in areas or procedures where the trainee expresses or demonstrates a need for assistance.
- Demonstrate certain diagnostic procedures and techniques that may be infrequently utilized by the trainee.
- Repeat certain diagnostic tests pertinent to the evaluation and diagnosis to check clinical performance and insure high quality patient care. Confirm ocular health findings and provide oversight of all patient encounters.
- Actively participate in delivery of care and patient consultation thus ensuring high-level patient care and giving trainees the opportunity to learn by example.
- Review and sign each patient record after exam completion and assist trainees with proper medical record keeping.
- Accept professional responsibility for patients seen with a trainee under said Faculty Member’s supervision. This may include communication with other health professionals, phone calls to patients, and occasional after-hours examinations.
- Provide time for consultation with other Faculty Members or trainees regarding evaluation, management, and related issues of patient care.
- Perform examinations on patients without the assistance of trainees when appropriate or for clinical educational purposes.