BAVRD is a one-day research conference devoted to bringing the vision research community of the Bay Area together to present and to discuss new and exciting findings in the fields of ophthalmology, optometry, biology, neuroscience, visual psychophysics, and computer vision. What distinguishes BAVRD from other conferences is that it is organized and run by first-year graduate students from the Vision Science Graduate Group at the University of California, Berkeley.
September 8th, 2023
International House
2299 Piedmont Ave, Berkeley, CA 94720
BAVRD is FREE! This year’s Bay Area Vision Research Day will be in-person at the International House on the UC Berkeley campus.
DEADLINE TO REGISTER: September 1st, 2023
Keynote Speaker
Felice Dunn, PhD
UCSF Department of Ophthalmology
The Dunn lab aims to advance understanding of retinal synaptogenesis and signal pathway regulation that could enable future therapies directed against loss of primary sensory neurons.
Additional Speakers
Dr. Paul Chamberlain (Cooper Vision)
Dr. Matilda Chan (UCSF)
Dr. E.J. Chichilnisky (Stanford)
Dr. David Feldheim (UCSC)
Dr. Yvette Fisher (UC Berkeley)
Dr. Leland Stone (NASA)
Lightning Talks & Posters
Lightning talks are 5 minutes long, followed by a few minutes of questions from the audience. Authors of selected abstracts will have the opportunity to showcase their work in an afternoon poster session following the main talks. In addition, six abstracts will be selected for lightning talks during the event. All applicants are expected to be able to attend on the day of the event in person on the Berkeley campus.
Posters are expected to be 34 inches x 53 inches in landscape format. Tape will be provided onsite. At least one author is expected to present the poster during the session. Use large fonts, and minimal text. Text on posters should be comfortable to read at 5 feet away.
Submit an AbstractContact Us
Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions about this year’s BAVRD!