Congratulations to Berkeley Optometry and Vision Science professor Austin Roorda for being named a Gold Fellow of ARVO (The Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology) at the opening ceremony of the annual conference in Vancouver, Canada. The title of ARVO Fellow is an honor established to recognize current ARVO members for their individual accomplishments, leadership and contributions to the Association.
ARVO Fellows serve as role models and mentors for individuals pursuing careers in vision and ophthalmology research and help further ARVO’s vision “…to advance research worldwide into understanding the visual system and preventing, treating and curing its disorders,” which includes advancing basic and clinical knowledge and serving as the leading international forum for vision research and the primary advocate for vision science worldwide.
More About Dr. Roorda
The Roorda Lab’s research interests include high resolution retinal imaging, adaptive optics, physiological optics, limits of human vision. Their most recent effort involves the development and use of the Adaptive Optics Scanning Laser Ophthalmoscope (AOSLO) for such clinical applications as blood flow, optical sectioning of the retina, microperimetry, precise measurements of fixation and eye-tracking. We are making instruments more robust, and we are making them more compact using state-of-the-art wavefront correcting technology such as MEMS deformable mirrors. Such non-invasive microscopic imaging techniques promise to improve our ability to track, understand and even treat blinding retinal disease.
Roorda Lab Website