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ASCO Centennial Resolution

The Association of Schools and Colleges of Optometry has passed a commendation resolution regarding the School of Optometry & Vision Science’s centennial. The resolution was presented on June 21st, at the Annual Business Meeting in Washington DC, by Dr Linda Casser co-chair of the Awards and Resolutions Committee. It was accepted by current Dean, Dr. John Flanagan. See below for the resolution.


Whereas, the year 2023 marks 100 years since the inaugural class entered the Berkeley Optometry program; and
Whereas, Berkeley Optometry became a separate department in 1939, an independent School of Optometry in 1941, and was renamed in 2021 to be the Herbert Wertheim School of Optometry and Vision Science; and
Whereas, in 1946, when its Physiological Optics Graduate Research Program was created and later was renamed the Vision Science Graduate Group; and
Whereas, Berkeley Optometry’s impact on vision and eye care, as well as optics and vision science, continued to increase throughout the last century; and
Whereas, its talented and diverse student body included Dr. Jennie Chai Louie Mew, graduating in 1931 as the first woman, and Dr. Marvin Poston, graduating in 1939 as the first black optometrist and later serving as President of Vision Service Plan and on the
California State Board of Optometry; and
Whereas, all of its distinguished faculty and alumni contributed immensely to eye care, vision health and scientific discovery to live up to the school’s mission to “advance optometric education, clinical practice, and vision research for the benefit of society”; and
Whereas, its leaders, throughout its history, including its current Dean, John Flanagan, ensured its growth and maturation to establish its renowned international reputation and outstanding legacy; and
Whereas, its global influence increased with the launching of the Berkeley Vision Cure program in 2022 to ensure that all children worldwide have access to vision care and vision correction; and therefore be it
Resolved, that the Board of Directors of the Association of Schools and Colleges of Optometry formally recognize its faculty, alumni students and administrators, for their remarkable contributions and accomplishments; and be it further
Resolved, that the Association of Schools and Colleges of Optometry enthusiastically congratulate and send its best wishes upon the auspicious occasion of its 100th

ACCCOS Resolution