Hall of Fame
In honor of those alumni and retired faculty whose contributions to the profession of optometry, (through service, teaching, or research) have been so monumental as to be universally recognized, the school has dedicated its Hall of Fame. These individuals have made contributions that distinguish the Herbert Wertheim School of Optometry & Vision Science above all others.
Charter Members
Solon Braff
Irving Fatt
Merton Flom
Allan Freid
Edward Goodlaw
Monroe Hirsch
Jack Hobson
Elwin Marg
Edwin Mehr
Ralph Minor
Meredith Morgan, Jr.
Henry Peters
Morton Sarver
George Schneider
Kenneth Stoddard
Bernhardt Thal
Gordon Walls
2008 Inductees
Horace Barlow
Roy Brandreth
Russell DeValois
Gordon Duffy
Jay Enoch
Gordon Heath
Richard Hill
Arthur Jampolsky
Robert Lester
Robert Mandell
Kenneth Polse
Marvin Poston
Charles Seger
Lesley Walls
Gerald Westheimer
Frank Weymouth
2014 Inductees
Anthony J. Adams
Colin Blakemore
Darrell B. Carter
Theodore E. Cohn
L. Edward Elliott
Ralph D. Freeman
Michael G. Harris
Donald R. Korb
Sheldon S. Miller
Donald E. Mitchell
Thomas H. Peters
Lawrence W. Stark
Karen Walker-Brandreth
2023 Inductees
Raymond Alan Applegate
Ian L. Bailey
Martin S. Banks
Joseph A. Bonanno
Arthur Bradley
Abraham Bromberg
Jorge Cuadros
Bernard J. Dolan
Suzanne M.J. Fleiszig
Stanley A. Klein
Dennis M. Levi
Leon Lewis
Donald Mutti
Clyde W. Oden, Jr.
Vincent Michael Patella
Gunilla Haegerstrom-Portnoy
Edward J. Revelli
Clifton M. Schor
Larry N. Thibos
Christine F. Wildsoet
Karla Zadnik