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The national board exams for optometry are administered by the National Board of Examiners in Optometry (NBEO).  The NBEO is an independent, non-governmental, non-profit organization whose mission is to protect the public by accurately assessing the competence of practicing optometrists.

Berkeley Optometry Students Score Well

No matter how it’s measured, Berkeley students typically perform markedly better on all three sections of the NBEO examination than the average performance of students from other schools.  We believe this is a testament to the quality of our students and the excellence of the training we provide.

Ultimate Pass Rate, Parts I-III, at Graduation

All Test Takers

Class YearBerkeley Pass RateNational Pass RateBerkeley Difference
201993.8% 92.7%+1.1%

About NBEO Scoring

The Association of Schools and Colleges of Optometry (ASCO) publishes scores for first-time test takers who have graduated. The scores listed in the three tables below represent comparison between Berkeley first time test takers and first time test takers at other schools.

Part I: Applied Basic Science

First Time Test Takers

Class YearTest DateBerkeley Test TakersBerkeley Pass RateAll Test TakersNational Pass RateBerkeley Difference
2025March 20246570.8%154168.7%+2.1%
2025August 20241100%12128.9%
2024March 20234872.9%169567.1%+5.8%
2024August 202310%6633.3%
2023March 20226371.4%168265.3%+6.1%
2023August 2022333.3%7123.9%
2022March 20216190.2%167674.1%+16.1%
2022August 2021107824.4%
2021July 20205894.8%155077.5%+17.3%
2021Nov 2020650%12657.1%
2020March 20196785.1%1698 79.2%+5.9%
2020August 20190NA7842.3%

Part II: Patient Assessment and Management

First Time Test Takers

Class YearTest DateBerkeley Test TakersBerkeley Pass RateAll Test TakersNational Pass RateBerkeley Difference
2024December 20234997.9%173985.1%+12.8%
2023December 20226794.0%173783.8%+10.2%
2023April 20232100%2045.0%
2022Dec 20216295.2%171485.2%+10%
2022April 20220NA3959.0%NA
2021Dec 20205596.4%169589.3%+7.1%
2021Feb 20218100%5991.5%
2021April 20211100%5664.3%
2020Dec 20196785.1%169879.2%+5.9%
2020July 20200NA1100%
2019Dec 20186493.8%166190.3%+3.5%
2019April 20191100%2584%

Part III: Clinical Skills

First Time Test Takers

Class YearTest DateBerkeley Test TakersBerkeley Pass RateAll Test TakersNational Pass RateBerkeley Difference
2023July 2022-June 20236976.8%176174.4%+2.4%
2022July 2021-June 20226296.8%174979.7%+17.1%
2021July 2020-June 20216489.1%178980.9%+8.2%
2020July 2019-June 20206791.0% 159385.1%+5.9%
2019July 2018-June 20196490.6%166587% +3.6%