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The faculty and staff at Berkeley Optometry constitute a prestigious group of educators and researchers. See below for a list of recent awards.

2024 Awards

Ruth Shoge, OD, MPH, FAAO
Excellence in Diversity Awareness and Education Award | AAO
American Academy of Optometry
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John G. Flanagan, PhD, DSc, FCOptom, FAAO, FARVO
Dean of the Year Award | NOA
National Optometric Association
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Doris Tsao, PhD
Kavli Prize | Kavli
Kavli Prize Foundation
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Angelica Gonzalez
Chancellor’s Outstanding Staff Award | COSA
UC Berkeley
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Britney Kitamata-Wong, OD
Young OD of the Year Award | COA
California Optometric Association
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Jorge Cuadros, OD, PhD
Herbert Wertheim Award | ASCO
Association of Schools and Colleges of Optometry
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Jennifer Fisher, OD
Rising Star Award | ASCO
Association of Schools and Colleges of Optometry
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Karla Zadnik, OD, PhD
Lifetime Achievement Award | ASCO
Association of Schools and Colleges of Optometry
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John G. Flanagan, PhD, DSc, FCOptom, FAAO, FARVO
Resolution for his service to ASCO and as a member of the board of directors. | ASCO
Association of Schools and Colleges of Optometry
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2023 Awards

Austin Roorda
Rank Prize | Rank Prize
Rank Prize Organization
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Michael G. Harris, OD, JD, MS, FAAO
Builders of Berkeley Award | UCB
UC Berkeley
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Michael Hoffshire, PhD
Alumni Advancing DEI (Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion) Award | RWU
Roger Williams University
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Ian L. Bailey, OD, MS, FBCO, FAAO
Tony Adams Eminent Service Award | AAO
American Academy of Optometry
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Mika Moy, OD, FAAO
Ellerbrock Teaching Award | AAO
American Academy of Optometry
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Christine F. Wildsoet, OD, PhD, FAAO, FARVO
Honorary Doctorate | QUT
Queenstown University of Technology
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Suzanne MJ Fleiszig, OD, PhD, FAAO, FARVO, FAAM
Barry Collin Research Medal | OA
Optometry Australia
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Karthik Shekhar, PhD
McKnight Scholar Award | McKnight
McKnight Foundation
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Michelle Hoff, OD, FAAO, ABOM, FNAO
Joe L. Bruneni Memorial Award | ASCO
Association of Schools and Colleges of Optometry
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Marla Feller, PhD
Elected Member | NAS
National Academy of Sciences
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Susana Chung, OD, PhD
2024 Trustee Candidate | ARVO
The Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology
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Jennifer Fisher OD, FAAO, FCOVD
FCOVD Fellowship Awardee | COVD
College of Optometrists in Vision Development
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Karthik Shekhar, PhD and Shubham Maurya, PhD
National Glaucoma Research Award | BrightFocus
BrightFocus Foundation
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Katherine Lai, OD, FAAO
Young OD of the Year | COA
California Optometric Association
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Marlena Chu, OD, FAAO
Educator of the Year | COA
California Optometric Association
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Mika Moy, OD, FAAO
COA Trustee | COA
California Optometric Association
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2022 Awards

Mika Moy, OD, FAAO
Newsweek Magazine OD Rankings | Newsweek Magazine

Newsweek surveyed over 10,000 ophthalmologists, optometrists, clinic managers and other healthcare professionals across the country and, based on their recommendations, selected the 175 best ophthalmologists (MDs or doctors of osteopathy who specialize in treating the eye) and 175 optometrists (licensed professionals who have earned a post-college doctor of optometry degree). Dr. Moy was featured for the second year in a row.
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Emily Cooper, PhD
Hellman Fellows Award | Society of Hellman Fellows
In support of early career faculty who have shown evidence of their promise for distinction in research.
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Melanie Mason, OD, FAAO
OD of the Year | ACCCOS
Alameda Contra Costa Counties Optometric Society Awards for 2022

Jennifer Fisher, OD, FAAO
Young OD of the Year | COA
California Optometric Association
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Marvin Poston, OD
VSP Legacy Recognition | VSP
On June 30th, VSP and the Poston Family celebrated the legacy of Dr. Marvin R. Poston with the installation of an original bronze sculpture by artist, Zoe Dufour, at the VSP Vision Headquarters in Rancho Cordova, CA.
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Deborah Orel-Bixler, OD, PhD, FAAO
Dolan Award | American Academy of Optometry
For excellence in teaching, mentorship, and service to the residency program and the profession of optometry.
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2021 Awards

Drs. Mika Moy, OD, FAAO, Kuniyoshi Kanai, OD, FAAO, and Meredith Whiteside, OD, FAAO
Newsweek Magazine OD Rankings | Newsweek Magazine
Newsweek surveyed over 10,000 ophthalmologists, optometrists, clinic managers and other health care professionals who were asked to recommend the best eye doctors in the U.S based on three categories, “the quality of care they provide, the continuity of care and the quality of the technology they use in their practices.” The really great news is that of the 150 ODs on their list, ten are Berkeley Optometry alums, including current faculty members Drs. Mika Moy, Kuniyoshi Kanai, and Meredith Whiteside.
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Gerald Westheimer, OD, PhD, FAAO
Ken Nakayama Meda | Vision Sciences Society
For Excellence in Vision Science.

Kerri Yoshiyama, OD, FAAO
UC Berkeley Distinguished Teaching Award | UC Berkeley
For Extraordinary Teaching in Extraordinary Times
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John Flanagan, OD, PhD, DSc(hon), FCOptom, FAAO
OD of the Year | ACCCOS
Alameda Contra Costa Counties Optometric Society Awards for 2021

Katherine Lai, OD, FAAO
Young OD of the Year | ACCCOS
Alameda Contra Costa Counties Optometric Society Awards for 2021

2020 Awards

Anthony Adams, OD, PhD, FAAO
Tony Adams Lifetime Achievement Award | Berkeley Optometry
For distinguished service to optometry.
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John Flanagan, OD, PhD, DSc(hon), FCOptom, FAAO
President’s Award | American Optometric Association
For distinguished service to optometry.

Mika Moy, OD, FAAO
Excellence in Optometric Education Award | California Optometric Association
Received the California Optometric Association Excellence in Optometric Education Award.
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Teresa Puthussery, OD, PhD
Hellman Award | Hellman Fellows Fund
In support of research for “Understanding the Functions of the Diverse Output Neurons of the Human Retina.”
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William Tuten, PhD
Hellman Award | Hellman Fellows Fund
In support of research for “Advanced Optical Systems for Measuring Vision at the Cellular Level in the Human Eye.”
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2019 Awards

Clayton Radke, PhD
Ruben Medal | International Society for Contact Lens Research
The Ruben Medal is the highest honor of the International Society for Contact Lens Research, and is awarded by vote of the previous recipients to an individual who has made outstanding contributions to the field of contact lens-related research.
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Martin Banks, PhD
Elected Member | National Academy of Sciences
The National Academy of Sciences — the nation’s oldest and most prestigious scientific organization — recognizes achievement in science by election to membership, and—with the National Academy of Engineering and the National Academy of Medicine—provides science, engineering, and health policy advice to the federal government and other organizations.
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Austin Roorda, PhD
ARVO Gold Fellow | The Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology
The title of ARVO Fellow is an honor established to recognize current ARVO members for their individual accomplishments, leadership and contributions to the Association.
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Teresa Puthussery
Outstanding Mentorship of GSIs | Berkeley Graduate Division
This award recognizes faculty (including both Senate and non-Senate faculty) who have provided GSIs outstanding mentorship in teaching at Berkeley and in preparing for teaching in future careers. Faculty receive this award based on nominations from their GSIs and letters of support from departmental chairs.
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2018 Awards

Martin Banks, PhD
Tillyer Award | Optical Society of America
The Tillyer Award is presented to a person who has performed distinguished work in the field of vision, including — but not limited to — the optics, physiology, anatomy or psychology of the visual system.
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Martin Banks, PhD
Fellow Member | Optical Society of America
Elected as a Fellow Member of The Optical Society. Fellow membership in OSA is limited to no more than ten percent of the membership and is reserved for members who have served with distinction in the advancement of optics and photonics.
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Jazzi Junge
Young OD of the Year | California Optometric Association
Received the California Optometric Association’s Young OD of the Year Award.
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Jazzi Junge
John N. Schoen Ezell Fellow | American Academy of Optometry
Received the John N. Schoen Ezell Fellow Award.
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Claudia Ruegg
Junior Faculty Travel Award | American Academy of Optometry
Received the Michael G. Harris AAO Junior Faculty Travel Award.
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Pam Satjawatcharaphong, OD, FAAO, FSLS
Junior Faculty Travel Award | American Academy of Optometry
Received the Michael G. Harris AAO Junior Faculty Travel Award.
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2017 Awards

Martin Banks, PhD
Otto Schade Prize | Society for Information Display
Named after Otto Schade — who introduced linear systems analysis to the study of human vision — this Prize is awarded for an outstanding scientific or technical achievement in, or contribution to, the advancement of functional performance and/or image quality of information displays.
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Martin Banks, PhD
Honorary Professor | Cardiff University
Cardiff University has conferred the honorary title of “Professor,” from the school of Psychology, upon Dr. Martin Banks.
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Martin Banks, PhD
Borish Scholar | Indiana University, College of Optometry
Scholars are selected based on their history of providing major research and scholarly contributions related to vision, patient care, clinical research, and of interest to Indiana University’s mission and education.
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John Corzine, OD, FAAO
Excellence in Optometric Education Award | California Optometric Association
Received the California Optometric Association Excellence in Optometric Education Award.
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John Flanagan, OD, PhD, DSc(hon), FCOptom, FAAO
Distinguished Professor Emeritus | University of Waterloo
The Distinguished Professor Emeritus designation is made to faculty members who have had a distinguished record of service in teaching and research in the University.
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Suzanne Fleiszig, OD, PhD, FAAO
Max Schapero Award | American Academy of Optometry
From the Section on Cornea, Contact Lenses and Refractive Technologies of the American Academy of Optometry, this award was established in 1972 to honor the memory of Max Schapero who was a dedicated member of the Section and the Academy.
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Kenneth Polse, OD, MS, FAAO
Dickson Emeriti Professorship | Berkeley Academic Senate
The award honors an emeritus faculty member who has an outstanding record of post-retirement contributions in teaching, research, or public/university service.
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2016 Awards

Martin Banks, PhD
Charles Prentice Medal | American Academy of Optometry
The Charles F. Prentice Medal is awarded annually to a distinguished scientist or clinician scientist in recognition of a career-long record of advancement of knowledge in vision science. The award is considered to be the most prestigious of the Academy’s awards for achievement in research.
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Dennis Levi, OD, PhD
Appointed to National Advisory Eye Council | NEI
Professor and former dean of Berkeley Optometry, Dr. Dennis Levi, has been appointed to the National Eye Institute’s Advisory Eye Council (NAEC).
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Dennis Levi, OD, PhD
Tillyer Award | Optical Society of America
The Tillyer Award is presented to a person who has performed distinguished work in the field of vision, including — but not limited to — the optics, physiology, anatomy or psychology of the visual system.
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Austin Roorda, PhD
Alcon Award
“This award is one of the most prestigious and high profile awards within vision research; an exceptional achievement for an exceptional scholar,” says Dr. John Flanagan, Professor and Dean for the UC Berkeley School of Optometry.
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John Flanagan, OD, PhD, FAAO
Honorable DSc | Aston University
Dean Flanagan received a Hon DSc and addressed the 50th Degree Congregation (Commencement) at Aston University at the historic Birmingham Town Hall.
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John Flanagan, OD, PhD, DSc(hon), FCOptom, FAAO
Life Fellow | College of Optometrists
The College of Optometrists has invited John Flanagan, dean of UC Berkeley’s School of Optometry, to become a Life Fellow of the College in recognition of the outstanding contribution he has made to the profession of optometry. Specifically, the award recognizes Dean Flanagan’s contribution to research into glaucoma and diabetic eye disease, and to the development of optometric education in the UK and Canada.
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Michael Harris, OD, MS, JD, FAAO
Berkeley Founders Award | UC Berkeley
Celebrates an alumnus/a or friend who has given long-term distinguished leadership and service to a broad range of academic, athletic, philanthropic, and other programs across the university.
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Anthony Adams, OD, PhD, FAAO
Life Fellowship Award | American Academy of Optometry
This award provides recognition to those Fellows who through long-time membership in the Academy have rendered distinguished service to the science and art of optometry.
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2015 Awards

Austin Roorda, PhD
Garland W. Clay Award | American Academy of Optometry
This award is presented to the author or authors of the manuscript published in Optometry and Vision Science that has been most widely cited in the world of scientific literature in the preceding five years.
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Robert Greer, OD
Vincent Ellerbrock Clinician Educator Award | American Academy of Optometry
This award is presented annually to a distinguished clinician who has made outstanding and sustained contributions to the Academy’s Lectures and Workshops Program.
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Jitendra Malik, PhD
Member | National Academy of Sciences
The nation’s oldest and most prestigious scientific organization recognizes Dr. Malik’s distinguished and continuing achievements in original research.
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James O’Brien, PhD
Oscar for Technical Achievement | Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences
Professor James O’Brien was awarded a technical achievement award (sci-tech Oscar) by the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences.
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Ralph Freeman, OD, PhD
Charles Prentice Medal | American Academy of Optometry
The Charles F. Prentice Medal is awarded annually to a distinguished scientist or clinician scientist in recognition of a career-long record of advancement of knowledge in vision science. The award is considered to be the most prestigious of the Academy’s awards for achievement in research.
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Pam Satjawatcharaphong, OD, FAAO, FSLS
George Mertz New Educator Travel Award | Association of Optometric Contact Lens Educators
Dr. Satjawatcharaphong is the Chief Mentor for Berkeley Optometry’s contact lens residents.
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Glen Ozawa, OD
Excellence in Optometric Education Award | California Optometric Association
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