We hold a lot of great events, including graduations, continuing education (CE) conferences, ceremonies, celebrations, lectures, reunions, receptions and more. Click on a link below for more information on each event.
White Coat Ceremony
This event celebrates the start of students’ optometric journeys. Incoming students gather to earn their white coats and celebrate with their peers and families prior to the start of the new semester. We look forward to hosting the Class of 2028 on Friday, August 23, 2024.
Halfway There
This milestone event celebrates the fact that our second years have made it halfway through the OD program. It takes place right after second year finals before they begin their third year clinical rotations.
This event is scheduled for May 10, 2024.
New Home Night
The School of Optometry hosts an event called “New Home Night” each Spring. This event is held to honor the contributions of all third-year students, thank them for their hard work in the clinic over the past year, and announce and recognize the recipients of awards and scholarships.
This event is scheduled for May 6, 2024.
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This event celebrates the fourth years returning back to Berkeley from externships across the nation. This week allows students to reconnect with their peers, engage in social activities, and attend final lectures prior to graduating.
4th Year Awards
Every spring, as fourth year students return from their externships and get ready to walk the stage, the School of Optometry honors the fourth years who have received distinguishing awards. This event allows the fourth year class to recognize and celebrate the achievements of their peers. Awards such as the BSK Gold Cord and the student and faculty chosen Golden Retinoscope award are presented to recipients at this event.
The 4th Year Award ceremony is being held on Tuesday, May 14, 2024.
Vision Science Symposium
Vision Science Symposium celebrates Fall and Spring semester graduates for the Vision Science program with a 20-minute time slot where they are introduced by their professors and presented a short presentation on their thesis. After each graduate has presented, there is a reception with dinner or cocktail hour. Vision Science Symposium is held in addition to the formal School of Optometry and Vision Science graduation ceremony.
The Vision Science Symposium is scheduled for May 15, 2024 from 9 – 1 pm.
Everyone’s favorite! The ceremony for the Class of 2024 will take place on Friday, May 17, 2024 from 2 – 5:00 pm.
Click the button below for details.
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